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Launching EC2 instances using the Node.js AWS SDK

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The EC2 service is one of the most fundamental services offered by AWS. It underpins many of the other services in AWS, so it’s always a good idea to understand how to use and the best way to use it. In this post, I’ll show how to create EC2 instances directly in the code using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js. To run your application in AWS, we need to have one or more EC2 instances to execute that code.…

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ES6 Destructuring assignments

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In this article I’m going to talk about the Destructuring assignments in ES6. The Destructuring Assignments don’t really offer us any new features, but rather they enable us to write more readable and less repetitive code. So, have you ever had a function that was dealing with these enormous deeply nested objects and it felt like your code was kind of sprawling out of control, it was getting hard to read?…

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ES6 Arrow Functions

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Arrow functions are another notable addition that came with ES5 and are available here in ES2016. They are useful for two essential reasons: the first is that they reduce boilerplate and are more succinct and the second thing is that they allow us to preserve the context of the wrapping function. As I write before, the arrow function, one of its main features is that it’s more succinct, it reduces boilerplate.…

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ES6 - Limitations of using const and let

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As I mentioned at my previous article, one of the main things that we need to understand about const and let: is that const, is a constant, so, it’s not going to change and let is something that might change, it could change. Let’s explore a little bit what that means because this is actually a gotcha in some cases. So, be careful, const isn’t actually an immutable variable, it can be changed.…

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var, const and let in ES6, when I use? They can be hoisted?

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Perhaps the most recognizable addition to the JavaScript language was that of const and let. Two new key words that allow us to declare variables, which behave differently than var. When choosing which JavaScript variable to use, there are a number of factors we have to weigh. We have var, const, and let available to us, and we need to think what is the scope of each of these variables? That means, what can it be called?…

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ES5, ES6, ES7 and ES2015 and ES2016. Isn't it just all JS?

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JS, Why we love you? One of my biggest loves on the coding word is the JS (JavaScript) language. I don’t know why, but since I started to make simple code with JQuery and to research about the language under your hood and I got what is JS, the first thing that I did was thanked how the coding world can be really beautiful and simple with a programming language like that.…

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