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ES6 Destructuring assignments

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In this article I’m going to talk about the Destructuring assignments in ES6.

The Destructuring Assignments don’t really offer us any new features, but rather they enable us to write more readable and less repetitive code.

So, have you ever had a function that was dealing with these enormous deeply nested objects and it felt like your code was kind of sprawling out of control, it was getting hard to read? Yes? I think that almost all of us deal with this on a daily coding .

Well that’s what destructuring assignments help us deal with.

Let’s take a look in some examples to understand better how we can improve our code with ES6 feature.

const event = {    //the object we will destructure
        name: 'Rock in Rio',
        stage: 'Trident Stage',
        artist: "Guns n Roses",
        songs: {
            firstSong: 'Sweet Child on mine',
            lastSong: 'Paradise City'

On the above code snippet, I’ve got a object that I’ve declared called “event” and we’re going to try destructure it.

Take a look on the following example:

let {    
} = event;

To destructure an object we need to declare a new variable and then choose any number of keys to create into stand alone variables. We also need to specify the object that we’re destructuring.

You can try to console log the value of the created variables:

console.log('name = ', name);

console.log('artist = ', artist)

And now let’s go to our browser and see what happens.

So, on the console you can see that I was able to access those two variables as their own variable instead of a blank.blank syntax key value pair of that larger object.

Okay so that’s the most basic way that we can access those variables using destructuring assignment, but we can also do some even cooler stuff.

Destructuring nested variables

Let’s say we want to get a deeply nested variable, well we can actually go to that by using the colon (,) so we can say let stage, songs and then we can find the lastSong within songs.

If we look on the first example, we can see that firstSong is nested within songs, and that’ll let us declare firstSong as it’s own variable, and we can also rename the variables that we’re destructuring.

let {stage, songs: {firstSong}} = event;
let {lastSong} = event.songs;

Then, let’s say we want to get artist out of event but we already have a artist variable somewhere in our code, so we can rename it by using this colon, so we can say okay from now on: let artist be known as a favorite:

let {artist: favorite} = event;

I encourage you to mess around with these objects and run them in your browser and see how destructuring works so you really get your hands on the idea.

console.log('stage: ', stage);           //"Trident Stage"
console.log('first Song: ', firstSong);  //"Sweet Child on mine"
console.log('last Song: ',  lastSong);   //"Paradise City"
console.log('favorite: ', favorite);     //"Guns n Roses"

Destructuring arrays

You also should know that you can use destructuring with arrays.

If I have an array called festivals and in it I’ve named all these mega festivals and I wanted to structure that, you can use almost the same syntax as object destructuring but with an array.

const festivals = ['Coachella', 'Rock in Rio', 'Tomorrowland', 'Ultra Music Festival'];

Then, I can create a new variable that holds the index of these objects and I can skip over ones that I don’t want to access, and then later on in my code. ​

let [eventIdx0, , , eventIdx3] = festivals;

So, I can access those variables as these variable names, Rather than use: festivals[0] as we normally do with arrays:

console.log(eventIdx0);    //"Coachella"
console.log(eventIdx3);    //"Ultra Music Festival"

On the above example instead of having to do festivals[3] I can just say eventIdx3 to get the "Ultra Music Festival" with the variable I’ve assigned it to.

The examples of this article and project that I used to run them and other examples are available on my GitHub repository.


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